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marek_ac dnia 11.01.2017 08:14

Demo download (nowy link): (poprawiono patrz: Linki-> Przyjaciele -> Vanadis)

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marek_ac dnia 21.04.2015 05:53

... mała poprawka: double wprowadzono w wersji 1.3
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marek_ac dnia 20.04.2015 18:59

Jeżeli do oprogramowania inżynierskiego można podpiąć własne procedury to NVIDIA udostępnia darmowy driver NVCC za pomocą którego można kompilować kod napisany w C. Można to robić z Visual Studio (od wersji 10) pod Windows lub używając gcc pod Linuxem.
Wówczas oprogramowanie optymalizuje się pod posiadaną kartę graficzną. Warto mieć kartę o CUDA capability większym niż 2.0 ze względu na obsługę typu double.
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marek_ac dnia 14.04.2015 00:51


Na dysku:


zamieściłem demo (wersję windowsową) modelu rozprzestrzeniania się zanieczyszczeń.

W pliku vanadis.txt zawarty jest krótki opis modelu.

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steleri dnia 17.03.2015 21:54

Czy ktoś z forum korzysta może z Elmera? Bardzo ciekawi mnie jak to działa. Bo z tego tutka wynika, że jest OK, a tymczasem ja próbowałem... bezskutecznie
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POMOCNA DŁOń - pomagamy studentom rozwiązywać zadania Analiza statyczna wózka wagonowego 3 BE-FEA 02/28/2022 18:26
Jestem kompletnie zielony ABAQUS PROBLEM 2 Euklides_PL 01/25/2022 20:24
Ogłoszenia i newsy (branża CAE) OBLICZENIA WYTRZYMAŁOŚCIOWE MES I RYSUNEK TECHNICZNY 0 1pkm 09/24/2021 01:50
Jestem kompletnie zielony ABAQUS BŁĄD 1 BE-FEA 09/15/2021 19:44
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Jestem kompletnie zielony ABAQUS - ANALYTICAL RIGID 2 Euklides_PL 08/30/2021 21:20
Jestem kompletnie zielony WSTĘPNE NAPRĘZENIA ŚCISKAJĄCE/SHRINK FIT ABAQUS 1 BE-FEA 06/03/2021 14:14
PRACA w CAE, oferty "biznesowe" Szkolenia komercyjne 3 Adrian28 05/30/2021 11:57
Sprawy studenckie OPTYMALIZACJA POWIERZCHNI ABAQUS 5 BE-FEA 03/23/2021 23:17
Sprawy studenckie comsol heat transfer in porous media 1 BE-FEA 03/09/2021 17:55
Sprawy studenckie ABAQUS-WARUNKI BRZEGOWE 1 BE-FEA 02/15/2021 00:01
Sprawy studenckie Potrzebna pomoc - Femap 2 jasiu 01/27/2021 18:25
Sprawy studenckie SolidWorks Simulation - podnoszenie zbiornika 3 BE-FEA 11/24/2020 14:33
Teoria MES Kwantowy MES 1 BE-FEA 11/13/2020 14:32
Jestem kompletnie zielony DEFORM 0 CwaniakzPKSU 11/05/2020 08:46
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Calculix w nowej wersji 2.2
  • Procedury

    • For liquid 1D networks the gate valve opening can be solved for (geometric feature)
    • 3D computational fluid dynamics calculations reliably work for laminar incompressible flow

  • Convergence

    • Changed the convergence rules for large-sliding contact (more iterations are allowed if the number of contact spring elements has changed)

  • Contact

    • Improved the convergence of the penalty contact
    • Improved the linear pressure-overclosure relationship.
    • Introduced the parameter ADJUST on the *CONTACT PAIR card
    • Removed the option IN-FACE SLIDING on the *CONTACT PAIR card (only large sliding or small sliding as options)

  • New elements

    • Liquid channel elements for turbulent flow in open channels

  • Output

    • For 1D-networks and *NODE PRINT: output of the total pressure (gas), the static pressure (liquids) and fluid depth (open channels) by use of PN instead of PT
    • For 1D-open channel networks and *NODE FILE: output of fluid depth and the critical depth by use of DEPT and HCRI, respectively
    • Default for *EL FILE is GLOBAL=YES

  • CalculiX GraphiX

    • The target for this version was in general to improve the menu- functionality for post-processing.
    • The special keys PAGE_UP and PAGE_DOWN are now used to scan fast through sets. The entities of the previous or next set will be displayed. The type of entity is used as in the last plot or plus command. In other words: If you have displayed the nodes of set1 and you press PAGE_DOWN you will see the nodes of set2 instead of set1 etc.
    • The vector-plot option "Viewing->Toggle Vector Plot" will now take immediate effect if a suited entity is already in use.
    • This is also true for the "Viewing->Toggle Add Displacement" menu function.
    • After "Animate->Dataset Sequence" just one Dataset might be specified before the entity is selected. The animation will then use all Datasets with this name starting from the selected one. A constant spacing between the Dataset is now not longer required.
    • The commands qcut, qenq and graph are now included in the menu. But with less functionality.
    • Changed commands:
      • copy: Nodes and Elements can now be copied together with their results. This is helpfull for calculations which use cyclic symmetry. For example if just a segment of a rotor was calculated but additional sectors with results should be displayed. It can be used in combination or instead of the parameter "NGRAPH" from the ccx keyword *CYCLIC SYMMETRY MODEL
      • copy/swep: Existing sets are appended by the new build geometry only on demand. The letter "a" (append) must be the last parameter to request this functionallity. Otherwhise the new geo is appended only to the target set and the set default set "all".
      • graph: The first and last dataset can be specified in addition to restrict the range of datasets.
      • plot/plus: If "Viewing->Toggle Vector Plot" is active then nodes will be displayed with arrows if the current entity belongs to a vector.
      • prnt: Wildcards (*) can be used to search for setnames of a certain expression.
      • send: To write result files in darwin format (life evaluation software)
      • send: Writes forced displacements normal to element surfaces (the components of the vectors at the node positions can be scaled individually (fac1-3)). This is usefull to define an offset to the geometry. A subsequent calculation with ccx will move the mesh accordingly. After solving the deformed mesh can be written and used as a new mesh. With this procedure geometric variations are possible without manipulating the geometry (morphing).
      • send: Single Datasets can now be written in frd format by specifying the dataset-nr. send frd ds
      • tra: The command uses now model dimensions and the additional parameter "f" will move the mesh forward (towards the user and towards the clipping plane). When the mesh penetrates the clipping plane the front part of the model will be clipped (same functionality as the menu function "Viewing->Toggle Move-z/Zoom")
      • trfm: Transforms vectors of the current dataset from cylindrical to the basic cartesian system. Usefull if vectors (forces etc.) in the input file are specified in a cylindrical system but they should be visualized with the menu option "Viewing->Toggle Vector Plot" Because in this case the data must use the basic cartesian system.
      • trfm: The first and last of a range of datasets can be specified. Only the first dataset is regarded if no last dataset is specified. As before the current dataset is selected if no dataset at all is specified.
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