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marek_ac dnia 11.01.2017 08:14

Demo download (nowy link): (poprawiono patrz: Linki-> Przyjaciele -> Vanadis)

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marek_ac dnia 21.04.2015 05:53

... mała poprawka: double wprowadzono w wersji 1.3
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marek_ac dnia 20.04.2015 18:59

Jeżeli do oprogramowania inżynierskiego można podpiąć własne procedury to NVIDIA udostępnia darmowy driver NVCC za pomocą którego można kompilować kod napisany w C. Można to robić z Visual Studio (od wersji 10) pod Windows lub używając gcc pod Linuxem.
Wówczas oprogramowanie optymalizuje się pod posiadaną kartę graficzną. Warto mieć kartę o CUDA capability większym niż 2.0 ze względu na obsługę typu double.
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marek_ac dnia 14.04.2015 00:51


Na dysku:


zamieściłem demo (wersję windowsową) modelu rozprzestrzeniania się zanieczyszczeń.

W pliku vanadis.txt zawarty jest krótki opis modelu.

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steleri dnia 17.03.2015 21:54

Czy ktoś z forum korzysta może z Elmera? Bardzo ciekawi mnie jak to działa. Bo z tego tutka wynika, że jest OK, a tymczasem ja próbowałem... bezskutecznie
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POMOCNA DŁOń - pomagamy studentom rozwiązywać zadania Analiza statyczna wózka wagonowego 3 BE-FEA 02/28/2022 18:26
Jestem kompletnie zielony ABAQUS PROBLEM 2 Euklides_PL 01/25/2022 20:24
Ogłoszenia i newsy (branża CAE) OBLICZENIA WYTRZYMAŁOŚCIOWE MES I RYSUNEK TECHNICZNY 0 1pkm 09/24/2021 01:50
Jestem kompletnie zielony ABAQUS BŁĄD 1 BE-FEA 09/15/2021 19:44
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Jestem kompletnie zielony WSTĘPNE NAPRĘZENIA ŚCISKAJĄCE/SHRINK FIT ABAQUS 1 BE-FEA 06/03/2021 14:14
PRACA w CAE, oferty "biznesowe" Szkolenia komercyjne 3 Adrian28 05/30/2021 11:57
Sprawy studenckie OPTYMALIZACJA POWIERZCHNI ABAQUS 5 BE-FEA 03/23/2021 23:17
Sprawy studenckie comsol heat transfer in porous media 1 BE-FEA 03/09/2021 17:55
Sprawy studenckie ABAQUS-WARUNKI BRZEGOWE 1 BE-FEA 02/15/2021 00:01
Sprawy studenckie Potrzebna pomoc - Femap 2 jasiu 01/27/2021 18:25
Sprawy studenckie SolidWorks Simulation - podnoszenie zbiornika 3 BE-FEA 11/24/2020 14:33
Teoria MES Kwantowy MES 1 BE-FEA 11/13/2020 14:32
Jestem kompletnie zielony DEFORM 0 CwaniakzPKSU 11/05/2020 08:46
Out of range value for column 'news_reads' at row 1
Programy do wizualizacji danych i wyników
SoftwarePoniżej w tabeli zebrano listę formatów danych na których pracuje VisIt. Szczególnie zwrócić warto uwagę na ANSYS'a, Patrana, Nastrana i kiedyś przez nas pilnie poszukiwany EXODUS.

Database plugin File extension(s) Description
ANALYZE img, hdr Rectilineargridof integer values containing MRI and EMRI data for human brains.
ANSYS inp ANSYS is a popular commercial suitę of multi-physics codes. The Vislt ANSYS reader reads in the ASCII version of the ANSYS mesh input file format.
AIDCFile aux LLNL ASCII file format containing target and beam diagnostic data for National Ignition Facility (NIF) lasers.
BOV bov Brickof values format where the database canbe bro-ken down into smali bricks of ZLIB compressed sca-lar arrays.
Boxlib2D boxlib2d, boxlib2D Structured AMR format for 2D. Reąuires a .visit file to group multiple time states into a single time-vary-ing database.
Boxlib3D boxlib3d, boxlib3D Structured AMR format for 3D. Reąuires a .visit file to group mul ti ple time states into a single time-vary-ing database.
CGNS cgns CFD General Notation System (CGNS) files contain platform-independent binary CFD (computational fluid dynamics) data for both unstructured and structured grids. Fore more information on CGNS, visit http: //www. cgn s. org.
CMAT cmat ASCII output of CMAT Fortran simulation.
Cosmos          cosmosAstronomie al simulation data saved in HDF4 format.
CosmosPP cosmospp, cos-mos++ Astronomie al simulation data savedin HDF5 format.
Curve2D curve, ultra, ult ASCII text file containing 2 columns of X,Ypairs mat describe a curve. Each curve is preceded by a "#" comment containing the name of the variable.
Dune Dat ASCII file containing point meshes and variables written by Dune simulation co de.
EnSight case Ensight Gold case files.
Enzo boundary, hierarchy StanfordUniversity AMR Astrophysics simulation output saved in HDF4 format.
Exodus ex, e, exo, ex2, exll, exii, gen, EX, E, EXO, EX2, EXH, GEN, exodus, EXODUS,nem-esis.NEMESIS San di a National Laboratory's file format for storing simulation data.
FLASH none AMR data stored in HDF5 file format produced by the FLASH code from the University of Chicago. The -default^jbrmat FLASH c ommand line options must be specifiedto select mis database reader plugin because the plugin is not associated with any file extensions.
GDAL adf, asc, bt, ddf, dem, ecw, gxf, jp2, map, mem, mpl, mpr, n 1, nat, nt£, pix, rsw, sid, vrt, xpm GDAL is a translator library for raster geospatial data formats common in the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) field. Vislt's GDAL reader can read the formats mat GDAL itself can read including popular GIS formats such as: Arclhfo binary grid and Digital Elevation Map (DEM). For a complete list of the file formats mat Visit can access through the GDAL reader plugin, ref er to http: //www. g dal. org/form at s_li st. html. Note that many of the formats that GDAL can read are actually image file formats. Vi sit reads image file formats through its Image database reader plugin unless you tell the GDAL plugin to read image files by setting the VISIT_READ_IMAGES_"WITH_GDAL environ-ment variable.
Image BMP, JPEG. JPG, PNG, PNM, PPM, SDT, SPR, TIF, TIFF, bmp, imgvol, jpeg, jpg, png, pnm, ppm, sdt, spr, tif, tiff The Image database reader plugin can read in many popular image file formats, allowing you to plot images of experimental data orperform image analysis. In addition, the Image database reader plugin supports the creation of image volumes, which are comprised of a set of 2D slice images that can be reassembied into a 3D volume. An image volume file is a text file (ending in .imgvol) mat contains the names of the images to be reassembledinto a 3D vol-ume.
KullLite pdb, mkf Input mesh files for Kuli simulation program. Data files are stored in PDB format.
Lines dat ASCII text format containing X,Y pairs or X,Y,Z tri-ples.
Mili m, mili Popular LLNL engineering format used in Dyna3D, Nike3D simulation codes. Reąuires use of the visit-mahsmili utility to create a .mili file mat can be opened.
NASTRAN nas, f06 NASTRANis a popular commercial finite element tool. The Visit NASTRAN reader plugin can import geometry from NASTRAN bulk data files.
NETCDF nc, cdf, elev NetCDF (Network Common Data Form) files are used to storę scientific, array-oriented datain a machinę-independent, binary format. NetCDF files often contain data from climate observations and results for climate simulations.
OVER-FLOW dat, save Binary Fortran output files containing overlayed cur-vilinear meshes.
PATRAN neu PATRAN is a popular commercial finite element code. The Visit PATRAN reader reads PATRANneu-tral files, which are ASCII format files mat contain unstructured geometry and simulation results.
PDB/Flash pdb, rOOOO The PDB database plugin is an umbrell a reader for multiple styles of files writteninthe PDB database format. Flash files are read by this plugin. Eąuation of state databases in PDB format can also be read using mis plugin. Finally, the PDB plugin supports reading wavelet-compressed data files generated with Pf3D simulation co de.
Pixie h5 2D and 3D LANL simulation datasavedin HDF5 format.
Plot2D p2d Structured data format for simulation data in Plot2D format.
Plot3D q,x Structured data format for simulation data in Plot3D format.
Point3D 3D ASCI file format containing four columns of num-bers: X,Y,Z point and a datavalue.
SAF saf Arbitrary simulation data sto red in HDF5 file format by Sets and Fields (SAF) library.
SAM RAI sam rai Structured AMR data storedin HDF5 file format. Reąuires a Msit file to group multiple time states into a single time-varying database.
SAR SAR, sar Specific Absorption Rate image volume files.
STL stL Stereolithographic file format containing triangle coordinates
Shapefile db£ shp ESRI Shapefiles are commonly usedin GIS applica-tions to storę vector data(boundaries, roads, building footprints, etc).
Siło pdb, siło Popular LLNLfile format based on PDB mat supports scalar, vector fields, and materials stored on rec-tilinear, curvilinear, unstructured, or point meshes. Data can be splitup into multiple domains.
Spheral sv, spheral Spheral files contain results of coupled hydrodynami-cal and gravitational simulations in ASCII form.
TecPlot plt, tec, tp ASCII file format for the popular TecPlot plotting package.
Tetrad h5, hdf5 Tetrahedral meshes and variables storedin HDF5 file format.
TFT dat, t£t A SCII output of TFT Fortran simulation.
TimeVar-ingExodus exE Same as Exodus
VTK vtk ASCII files containing data from multiple kinds of objects from Visualization Tool kit (VTK). Fore more information ab out VTK, vi sit
Vi sta vi sta Hierarchie al file format based on Siło that stores data in HDF5 file format.
ViSUS idx, vis Research file format mat allows dynamie decomposi-tion of the file based on available processors and sup-ports efficientreading of data (and subsets of data) from the file.
Wavefron-tOBJ obj Alias Wavefront Objectfile format. Contains 3D models.
Xmdv okc ASCII file containing columns of data.

I jeszcze parę ciekawych obrazków:
przekrój przez pole skalarne 3D
Wizualizacja danych z bazy danych

Wizualizacja danych z arkusza kalkulacyjnego
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