CAD, MES -metoda elementów skończonych,obliczenia inżynierskie i metody numeryczne WITAMY:
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Open source and non-commercial software: - Ascalaph Molecular dynamics with fourth ordersymplectic integrator.
- BALL & TRUBAL (1979–1980) distinct element method (FORTRAN code), originally written by P.Cundall and currently maintained by Colin Thornton.
- dp3D (discrete powder 3D), DEM code oriented toward materials science applications (powder compaction, powder sintering, ...).
- ESyS-Particle ESyS-Particle is a high-performance computing implementation of the Discrete Element Method released under the Open Software License v3.0. To date, development focus is on geoscientific applications including granular flow, rock breakage and earthquake nucleation. ESyS-Particle includes a Python scripting interface providing flexibility for simulation setup and real-time data analysis. The DEM computing engine is written in C++ and parallelised using MPI, permitting simulations of more than 1 million particles on clusters or high-end workstations.
- LAMMPS is a very fast parallel open-source molecular dynamics package with GPU support also allowing DEM simulations. LAMMPS Website, Examples .
- LIGGGHTS is a code based on LAMMPS with more DEM features such as wall import from CAD, a moving mesh feature and granular heat transfer. LIGGGHTS Website
- SDEC Spherical Discrete Element Code.
- LMGC90 Open platform for modelling interaction problems between elements including multi-physics aspects based on an hybrid or extended FEM – DEM discretization, using various numerical strategies as MD or NSCD.
- Pasimodo PASIMODO is a program package for particle-based simulation methods. The main field of application is the simulation of granular media, such as sand, gravel, granulates in chemical engineering and others. Moreover it can be used for the simulation of many other Lagrangian methods, e.g. fluid simulation with Smoothed-Particle-Hydrodynamics.
- Yade Yet Another Dynamic Engine (historically related to SDEC), modular and extensible toolkit of DEM algorithms written in c++. Tight integration with Python gives flexibility to simulation description, real-time control and post-processing, and allows introspection of all internal data. Can run in parallel on shared-memory machines using OpenMP.
Commercially available DEM software packages include PFC3D, EDEM and Passage/DEM: - Bulk Flow Analyst (Applied DEM) General-purpose 3D DEM tool for mechanical engineering applications. Imports DXF files and integrates with AutoCAD and SolidWorks.
- Chute Analyst (Overland Conveyor Company) 3D DEM tool for transfer chute engineering applications. Imports DXF files and integrates with AutoCAD.
- Chute Maven (Hustrulid Technologies Inc.) Spherical Discrete Element Modeling in 3 Dimensions. Directly reads in AutoCad dxf files and interfaces with SolidWorks.
- EDEM (DEM Solutions Ltd.) General-purpose DEM simulation with CAD import of particle and machine geometry, GUI-based model set-up, extensive post-processing tools, progammable API, couples with CFD, FEA and MBD software.
- MIMES a variety of particle shapes can be used in 2D
- PASSAGE/DEM (PASSAGE/DEM Software is for predicting the flow particles under a wide variety of forces.)
- PFC (2D & 3D) Particle Flow Code.
- SimPARTIK DEM and SPH simulation package from Fraunhofer IWM
- StarCCM+ Engineering analysis suite for solving problems involving flow (of fluids or solids), heat transfer and stress.
- UDEC and 3DEC Two- and three-dimensional simulation of the response of discontinuous media (such as jointed rock) that is subject to either static or dynamic loading.
- DEMpack Discrete / finite element simulation software in 2D and 3D, user interface based on GiD.
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