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Postów: 651 Miejscowość: Warszawa, PL Data rejestracji: 18.10.07
Dodane dnia 02/01/2009 01:42
LMS has announced that automotive supplier Magna Powertrain has deployed LMS's Test Lab and is experiencing productivity gains of up to 50 per cent.
Magna Powertrain uses the LMS systems to optimise the NVH performance of powertrains and drivelines it designs and manufacturers for cars, trucks, SUVs and other vehicles.
The NVH system implemented at Magna Powertrain consists of the LMS Test Lab software suite and multiple LMS Scadas mobile front-end units, each with 40 data acquisition channels and versatile signal-conditioning capabilities.
The lightweight, laptop-size units are easily transported and can be quickly set up on the front passenger seat of a vehicle with the help of test-scenario templates and convenient transducer verification/calibration.
A single operator driving the test vehicle readily conducts the test via convenient remote controls and real-time monitoring capabilities that provide results as tests are being run.
The user interface of LMS Test Lab has been specially tuned for mobile testing applications.
Large displays show key parameters and analysis curves, so the operator sees at a glance the progress of the test and the validity of data being acquired.
Magna testing teams use the systems for in-vehicle testing at customer sites, as well as for testing full vehicles and drivetrains in the laboratory during product development.
Andreas Wieser, department manager of acoustics and vibration at the Magna Powertrain Engineering Center, said: 'In the past, most of our engineers' time was spent behind a desk number-crunching raw data and performing calculations to find the root cause of NVH problems.
'If the data was inconclusive, more tests had to be run.
'Then more time was spent writing reports to document the results.' Wieser added: 'LMS Test Lab streamlines this entire process from start to finish and eliminates many of these iteration and rework bottlenecks.
'Measurements are validated on the spot, and results are available immediately with on-line plots such as waterfall diagrams and colour maps.
'Real-time feedback provides valuable insight into the root cause of problems and allows a quick response after tests are run.
'More detailed studies such as transfer path analysis and noise contribution analysis can also be quickly performed directly after testing.' Report generation capabilities in the LMS system add up to more time savings, according to Wieser.
Management of data is straightforward, so engineers can easily access key results.
Plots, curves and other output can be copied and pasted into Microsoft Word or Powerpoint with no data conversion required.
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